
Call to action buttons - We'll keep the call to action buttons blank for now, and review after implementing our new livestreaming system.


Board of Appeals

Board of Appeals public meetings are livestreamed on the Sandy Springs Public Meeting Website.

Agendas and minutes for this and other public meetings can also be found on the Sandy Springs Public Meeting Website.

Those who wish to make a public comment or speak at a public hearing can sign up at the meeting or using the online public comment form.

Summary/Digital Signage Summary: The Board of Appeals is charged with hearing requests for variances from regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. You can attend a meeting virtually or in person.

Default Location:  Studio Theatre
Default Start Time: (Pull from API)
Default End Time: 7:30 p.m.
Promotion: > Menu: Government


Board of Ethics

Board of Ethics meetings are livestreamed on the Sandy Springs Public Meeting Website.

Agendas and minutes for this and other public meetings can also be found on the Sandy Springs Public Meeting Website.

Summary/Digital Signage Summary: The Board of Ethics determines whether a violation of the City’s Ethics Ordinance has occurred and, if so, assess and imposes the appropriate penalty. You can attend a meeting virtually or in person.

Default Location:  Barfield Room
Default Start Time: (Pull from API)
Default End Time:  10:00 a.m.


Charter Review Commission

The Charter Review Commission will not meet again until 2030.


ChatComm Authority

Moving forward, these meetings won't be entered in CivicClerk. We will enter them in UP directly.


City Council

City Council meetings are livestreamed on the Sandy Springs Public Meeting Website.

Agendas and minutes for this and other public meetings can also be found on the Sandy Springs Public Meeting Website.

Those who wish to make a public comment or speak at a public hearing can sign up at the meeting or using the online public comment form.

Summary/Digital Signage Summary: City Council typically meets twice monthly. You can attend a meeting virtually or in person.

Default Location:  Studio Theatre
Default Start Time: (Pull from API)
Default End Time: 9:00 p.m.
Promotion: > Menu: Government


Community Meeting

Leave Blank

Summary/Digital Signage Summary: Community Meetings help inform residents and businesses about development in Sandy Springs.

Default Location: Leave Blank
Default Start Time: (Pull from API)
Default End Time: 9:00 p.m.


Development Authority

Development Authority meetings are livestreamed on the Sandy Springs Public Meeting Website.

Agendas and minutes for this and other public meetings can also be found on the Sandy Springs Public Meeting Website.

Those who wish to make a public comment or speak at a public hearing can sign up at the meeting or using the online public comment form.

Summary/Digital Signage Summary: The Development Authority provides catalytic funding for desirable economic development projects in Sandy Springs by providing access to capital and other financial incentives. You can attend a meeting virtually or in person.

Default Location: Barfield Room
Default Start Time: (Pull from API)
Default End Time: 9:30 a.m.


Diversity and Inclusion Task Force

The Diversity and Inclusion's last meeting was June 14, 2022. We do not anticipate any more meetings at this time.


Next Ten Advisory Committee

Leave blank.

Summary/Digital Signage Summary: Leave blank

Default Location:  Barfield Room
Default Start Time: (Pull from API)
Default End Time: 9:00 p.m.


Planning Commission

Development Authority meetings are livestreamed on the Sandy Springs Public Meeting Website.

Agendas and minutes for this and other public meetings can also be found on the Sandy Springs Public Meeting Website.

Those who wish to make a public comment or speak at a public hearing can sign up at the meeting or using the online public comment form.

Summary/Digital Signage Summary: The Planning Commission holds hearings regarding rezonings, use permits, and changes to zoning maps and ordinances. It is an advisory board which reports its findings and recommendations to the Mayor and City Council. You can attend a meeting virtually or in person.

Default Location:  Studio Theatre
Default Start Time: (Pull from API)
Default End Time: 7:30 p.m.
Promotion: > Menu: Government


Visit Sandy Springs Hospitality Board

Leave blank

Summary/Digital Signage Summary: Leave blank

Default Location:  Barfield Room
Default Start Time: (Pull from API)
Default End Time: 9:30 a.m.



Long Title
CivicClerk Meeting Defaults