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This is one of the darkest days in American history. For almost 250 years, we have prided ourselves on the peaceful transfer of power from party to party, administration to administration.  Whether we liked or agreed with the outcome of each election, we have accepted the result and moved on.


Sadly, we have leaders who have decided to step outside that tradition, advocate for an extralegal overturning of the legitimate decision of the American people, and appeal to a small minority bent on violence to disrupt one of the most important aspects of that transfer of power.  It is appropriate to be disappointed or even disagree with the election’s result even as we accept the outcome.  But to disrupt the most basic American democratic and constitutional processes is outrageous. It serves only to undermine a cherished system of government and cheer those in the world who wish us ill.


Mayor Rusty Paul

Digital sign summary

A statement from Sandy Springs Mayor Rusty Paul regarding the D.C. Congressional Breach

Mayor Paul photo
A statement from Sandy Springs Mayor Rusty Paul regarding the D.C. Congressional Breach
All of the information is included in the summary