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This past weekend, Sarah Wilson in our Communications Department crossed paths with Sandy Springs resident Jenn Taylor. Ms. Taylor's face lit up  when she learned Sarah worked for the City, and got so excited to share the positive experience she had while working on a variance with Planner Madalyn Smith.  Ms. Taylor's project involves a garage she wants to build on her property, and at first she was really upset and angry going into the process because of the new zoning rules. But Madalyn turned that around with what Ms. Taylor credits as Madalyn's professionalism, attention to detail, and her ability to explain it all so they could remain on the same page. This resident truly loved working with Madalyn. 

Thank you Madalyn for providing excellent customer service, you make us proud!


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Kudos to Planner Madalyn Smith! A very happy resident was grateful for Madalyn's ability to walk her through a variance project.

Madalyn Smith headshot
Shout out to Planner Madalyn Smith!
All of the information is included in the summary