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Thank you to all that were able to attend the City Wide Meeting on Wednesday, August 25, 2021. For those of you who could not attend, there is a recording available: X:\Shared Between Depts\City Wide Meetings\2021 08 25

We’ve also created the following FAQs based on what was covered during the update on COVID-19 protocols.  Additionally, here's a link to the FAQs for the upcoming Evergreen Compensation and Classification Study



Is the survey really anonymous?

Yes. The survey platform does not collect personal information or IP addresses.


Does the incentive only apply to newly vaccinated persons, or does it also apply to those who received the vaccine earlier this year?

Anyone who is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will receive these incentives upon presenting their card to HR.

Does the Wellness Bonus go into our regular pay or into our HSA account?

The wellness bonus is non-deferrable. It will be taxed and distributed on your paycheck.

Do we need to provide HR with a copy of our vaccination card?

Vaccination cards must be provided to HR to be eligible for the incentives and City-funded administrative leave, but you are not required to provide it to HR if you do not wish to participate.

Is City Management considering making the vaccine mandatory?

The manager is not considering implementing a vaccine mandate.

As more and more large corporations (AMTRAK, Delta, Equinox...) and government organizations (City of New York Schools...) mandate proof of vaccination for employees why does our organization not take that step? Are we bound by certain legalities as a city that private corporations are not?

We are following the executive orders set by Governor Kemp. This is the organizational policy decision set by the City Manager.

Will there be Wellness Pay for the upcoming Booster shots?

Not at this time but we will consider it in the future.

Can we round up the one-time vaccine incentive to $300.00?

Not at this time.


Can we use the City Springs CORE Mobile Vaccine Unit to receive our booster shot?

Fulton County will not be distributing booster shots at this time. Please reach out to your doctor if you are eligible sooner.

How long does a person have to wait to get the vaccine if they have tested positive for COVID?

They should wait until 2 weeks since they last experienced symptoms.


If every person participating in a meeting is vaccinated, can we meet in the conference room? Do we have to wear masks?

Yes and yes. Conference rooms are available as needed, but every person must social distance in addition to wearing a mask when away from their individual desk/work station regardless of vaccination status. This includes wearing masks in conference rooms, breakrooms, hallways, and public meeting rooms.

What is the protocol for outside consultants and contractor staff? Are they permitted in City facilities for meetings or technical work?

Meetings should be held virtually to the fullest extent possible. However, you may have distanced in-person meetings with masks on if needed.

Is the Friday cleaning day a time for all employees to stay home?

City Hall and Municipal Court staff will continue to telework on Fridays to allow for deep cleaning of their facilities.

Can department heads change the requirement for Fridays to be telework/cleaning days? Why don’t the Police Department and Fire Stations close on Fridays too?

Exceptions can be made at the director's discretion.  The Police Department and Fire Stations remain open because they have many citizens who come to their facilities when they need emergency assistance.  These facilities have access to the same cleaning processes used at City Hall, but they remain open on Fridays.

Are masks required at the Police Department?

Yes, all employees must wear a mask when they are away from their individual work stations. Exceptions are made for staff in individual vehicles, distanced outdoor settings, and emergency response.

Should City Hall policies be communicated to patrons and guests coming into the facility for shows and events?

We have sent communication to our patrons and have signage in the lobby.

If the amount of COVID cases increases rapidly in the fall will we go back to a full time telework policy?

This is possible if Governor Kemp issues a Stay-at-Home mandate.

When will the telework policy be announced?

Our new HR Director Jennifer Emery starts on Monday.  She will review our draft policy and we will implement after the pandemic has passed.


After testing positive, am I required to provide a negative test result before returning to work?

You are not required to present a negative test. However, you must wait ten days from the start of symptoms and be symptom-free for the previous 24 hours before returning to work.

If someone you live with tested positive, are you required to quarantine?

It depends on circumstances, but that generally counts as an exposure. You should email Patrick Flaherty.

I have another job and received notice I was exposed to COVID at that job.  Do I need to inform the city about these positive tests?

Yes, email Patrick Flaherty.

If an unvaccinated person tests positive but is asymptomatic and physically able to telework, can managers make it mandatory to use your sick leave and not approve teleworking?

No. If you test positive for COVID-19 but feel well and are capable of teleworking, you may do so regardless of your vaccination status.


If an employee had COVID and had to use their sick time, will the City reimburse that sick leave with administrative leave?

The CARES Act provided paid administrative leave related to COVID for employees until April 2021.  If you received your vaccine after the CARES coverage ended, then had to use your personal sick leave for a COVID exposure or positive test result, the City will reimburse your sick leave and change it to City-funded administrative leave. Email HR if this situation applies to you.

Can an employee get sick credit if they are not vaccinated? What if they tested positive for COVID before they were vaccinated, but are vaccinated now?

If you tested positive for COVID after April 2021 and received the vaccine, either before or after getting sick, the City will reimburse your sick leave with City-funded administrative leave. Email HR if this situation applies to you.

What is the paid leave policy if someone tests positive between COVID vaccine shots?

If an employee has received their first shot within the past 3 weeks and tests positive for COVID or has to quarantine due to exposure, they are eligible for administrative leave.

Will administrative paid leave be available to those who test positive for COVID regardless of if they were vaccinated or not? 

No. Unvaccinated employees must telework or utilize personal sick leave if they test positive for COVID-19.

Does this mean if an employee never gets their COVID vaccine, they are not be eligible for City-funded administrative leave?

That statement is correct based on how the current policy is written.

If an employee cannot receive the vaccine due to the result of a medical condition or a deeply held religious belief, can they be eligible for the incentives or the City-funded administrative leave related to COVID?

Employees who receive the vaccine are eligible for the incentives.

Why is the vaccine assumed to be the safest option? Why wouldn't you offer the incentives to those that choose the vaccination but still allow unvaccinated employees who test positive for COVID to receive admin pay?

Thank you for your input. I have made the decision to incentivize the vaccine. Using sick leave is not a penalty, it is the standard practice.

Guidance from the ADA recommends an employer may offer an incentive to employees for voluntarily getting a vaccine administered by the employer or its agent if the incentive is not so substantial as to be coercive.  Has it been considered that (aside from creating two groups of people within the organization) the $250 bonus, vacation day, and paid admin leave for those that have had the vaccination is coercive? Based on a standard hourly rate this plan/initiative could easily exceed $3,000 if someone who was sick received admin leave while in quarantine.

This policy has been vetted by our legal department and was created to be an incentive.  There is no penalty for unvaccinated employees per our pre-pandemic policies.  Requiring employees to telework or utilize sick leave when they are sick is not a coercive practice.


Digital sign summary

For those staff members who were unable to attend the City Wide Meeting on August 25, 2021, the City Manager's office created a FAQ sheet along with a link to a video of the meeting. Please check Inside Sandy Springs for more information.

FAQ graphic
Updated COVID-19 Protocols Q&A
All of the information is included in the summary