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Thank you to all that were able to attend the City Wide Meeting on Wednesday, August 25, 2021. For those of you who could not attend, there is a recording available: X:\Shared Between Depts\City Wide Meetings\2021 08 25

We’ve also created the following FAQs based on what was covered during the introduction of the Classification and Compensation Study that will be conducted by Evergreen Solutions. Additionally, here's a link to the FAQs for the Updated COVID-19 Protocols.


What is the timeline?
The JAT period is August 30 – September 10 (2 weeks) and the supervisor review period is September 13-17 (1 week). Department directors should reach out to HR if any staff will be out of office and unable to complete the JAT or review in the designated window.  Evergreen estimates an additional 3-4 months before a final Classification and Compensation Plan is finalized.

What is the purpose of the Classification and Compensation Study?       
The objective of the Classification and Compensation Plan is to improve both internal and external equity among our staff. This is not an exercise to reduce pay or eliminate jobs.  Our next steps after adoption of the Pay Plan is to implement a formal performance evaluation system that can be tied to merit increases reflective of overall experience, time in the position, and employee performance.


Are there any individual meetings with the consultants or just focus groups?    
The focus groups will capture one or two individuals per position. If you were not included in a focus group, don’t worry! You will still have the opportunity to complete your JAT.  Department heads will have individual interviews with the same questions.

What if I miss my focus group because I am out of the office?      
You will still have the opportunity to complete your JAT, but there will not be make-up focus group meetings.


Who completes the JAT?      
Every employee, both full-time and part-time, should complete a JAT. If several people have the same position, however, they may work together to submit similar JAT responses.

Can I collaborate with my co-workers on my JAT? 
Yes, feel free to discuss your work activities openly with your co-workers when completing. You should ensure any work activities you include are accurate.

Should I do this survey if I am a new employee (less than a month)?       
Yes! Check with your supervisor or co-workers if you are unsure how to answer any questions.

Is there a different survey for police/fire?  
No, every employee answers the same questions in their JATs.

What if we have more than 4 essential functions? 
You will be able to add up to 14 functions in Section 2 of the JAT. You are responsible for ensuring they add up to 100%.

How do you reconcile the difference between overseeing contractors as opposed to employees?
Overseeing contractors should be included as a required task for your position.  You may list the number of contractors, but do not include them in your count of direct reports as those are defined as employees within the organization.

Will there be a comparison between working remotely and working in office for a specific job?
Evergreen is analyzing the work you complete, not the location in which it is completed. You may indicate in the JAT if you believe the job can be completed remotely or in-office only.

What if you also perform the work of previously filled positions that are not currently active or being filled?       
Your JAT should reflect all of the tasks you complete, but you should indicate if it is part of regular job functions or a special circumstance your position would not normally be responsible for. The more context, the better. 

Do we complete JAT's for positions that are not currently filled? 
Evergreen will work with department directors and HR to identify individuals to complete JATs for open positions.

I already completed a CPQ under a previous pay plan. Can I use my previous answers? Can HR send me my old CPQ?     
You may use phrases from previous CPQs or job descriptions if they still apply to your position. Check your own files and Sent mailbox for the CPQ before asking your director to send you a copy if needed.

How do we combine our personal experience with the requirements of the job? For example, if someone has a different education level than required on the job description.   
The JAT should reflect your work activities or duties whether they are included in your written job description or not. The JAT is not assessing your individual experience. The consultant wants to know what the position currently necessitates so they can evaluate the position’s tasks and functions rather than individuals’ qualifications. 

Can I save my JAT responses over multiple days and submit when fully completed?           
Yes. Push save every 30-45 minutes as you work through it. A best practice is to complete the JAT in the first week, then come back to check it during the second week of JAT submissions to verify your responses and make any changes before Sept 10.


Will supervisors complete a review for both direct and non-direct reports?        
The supervisors will review the JAT of their direct reports only.

Will staff be notified if supervisor disagrees/changes information from their JAT?           
A supervisor will not be able to change the employees’ responses. They indicate agree or disagree. An employee will not be notified if a supervisor disagrees, but Evergreen will follow up with both parties if there is a significant change.


How do you define the market we will be compared to? Is it Metro Atlanta, the State of Georgia, or Regional?       
The consultant has extensive experience working with Metro Atlanta municipalities to determine the appropriate comparison market for a City, which also includes the private sector.  Evergreen is also gathering input from staff in the focus groups to determine the appropriate market.

What happens if your position is typically split into multiple positions or doesn’t exist in other municipalities?
Evergreen will evaluate other municipalities to identify “benchmark” positions. Recommendations will be based on internal equity within the City if there is not a clear match in the external market.

Will the consultant review the CPQ I completed as part of the Archer Pay Study in years past?    
No, the consultant is conducting their own research to analyze and make recommendations with. You must complete the Evergreen JAT.


Will new positions be added after the study? Will some jobs be modified, altered or deleted from results of our JAT?      
Evergreen will make recommendations to change or reclassify positions. They will not recommend the addition or omission of positions. 

Digital sign summary

For the staff members who were unable to attend the City Wide Meeting on August 25, 2021, the City Manager's office created this FAQ sheet along with a link to a video of the meeting. Please check Inside Sandy Springs for more information.

FAQ graphic
Evergreen Classification and Compensation Study Employee Orientation FAQs
All of the information is included in the summary