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Tracking down a Sandy Springs document can often be frustrating. Is it on the City's website? Maybe. Is it on the X drive? Probably somewhere. Did someone email it to you? It's likely they did at some point, but who was it? And, when was it? Perhaps you saved it on your computer?

Yup. We've all been there.

That's why we developed the Sandy Springs Document Library.

The Document Library is a repository built on the Sandy Springs Unified Platform for all "evergreen" City documents. The documents are uploaded in one location, but can be made available on multiple city-created websites.  Our goal is to reduce the workload for staff, creating and managing documents, while ensuring documents are easy to find.

What documents will be kept in the Document Library?

Documents that are used on a routine day-to-day basis by many people should be housed in the Document library.  For example, the form for an Occupational Tax Certificate, is an appropriate candidate.

What documents shouldn’t be kept in the Document Library?

Documents with a short period of relevancy likely do not belong here. For example, documents associated with a zoning case that are important today, but there isn’t a high likelihood of regular referral, should be kept another, appropriate location.

Are the documents internal or public?

Both! When you are uploading a document, you will select whether it is internal or public.

Can any staff member upload documents?

Those with login access to the Unified Platform will be able to upload documents. Our goal is to make access available for all staff.   

Can any staff member update a document?

Presently, only the owner of a document can update the document to preserve integrity of the document, but the Document Library will indicate the owner of the document, so you can contact the appropriate person to make the needed change.

The public version of my document is a PDF. Can I upload the original version created in a different software?

Yes. In fact, we encourage you to upload the original and tag it as “source,” so it is easy to locate should updates be needed. 

Does this replace Filebound?

No. Filebound will continue to be used to archive documents not kept in the Document Library.  The Library is a storage area for frequently used materials.

Who created this software? How often is it updated?

The Unified Platform was created in-house, with support from Mediacurrent. The underlying platform is Drupal. The system was developed to meet our specific needs, rather than try to modify an outside software to ‘get close’ to what is needed. As the developer, we will be updating on an ongoing basis to keep in step with changing needs.

What department is managing the system?

Inside Sandy Springs and the Document Library are developed and managed by Communications. Jason Green is the project lead and point of contact for questions.

How can I share my thoughts and ideas?

The system was developed to help you be more productive and efficient, and to keep making progress, we need your input! You can either participate in a working group, or reach out to Jason Green with ideas.

Great! How do I start loading my documents?

We’re glad you’re excited to go, but first, we want to give everyone parameters, so that we’re all following the same protocols. In establishing those guidelines, we want to hear from all stakeholders on how best to organize documents moving forward. To get that input, we are forming a Document Working Group.

Digital sign summary

Alongside the launch of Inside Sandy Springs, the City is also launching the Sandy Springs Document Library. Discover what to expect from the library and join the Document Working Group.

Document Library
Launching the Sandy Springs Document Library
All of the information is included in the summary