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We invite you to be a part of a citywide discussion, exploring our community perspectives around inclusion and belonging. We strive to learn how we can create a more inclusive Sandy Springs together. You can help by joining the conversation as a host, facilitating a conversation, or as a participant. These Civic Dinners are focused on bringing different voices to the table, asking three big questions, and allowing everyone equal time to share with one voice at a time. We are holding these virtual conversations through the end of August and they are offered in both English and Spanish for Sandy Springs residents as well as people who work in the City. 

Click Here to Register as a Participant or Host

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The City has partnered with an organization called Civic Dinners to provide an opportunity for residents, and people who work here, to talk about how we can learn to be a more inclusive City. Because of the current pandemic these meetings will be virtual. Let's hear from you!

Join the Community Conversation on Inclusion & Belonging
All of the information is included in the summary