Bricks & Seats: Leave Your Mark on Our Theatre!

Receive recognition for yourself, a loved one, or a program that changed your life. For $300, you can have a message engraved on a brick placed along City Green Walkway. For $1000, you can have your name engraved on the back of a seat in the Byers Theatre. Donations support our educational programs. Give today and leave your mark on the arts!

$300 for First Brick, $270 for each additional Brick.

$1000 for First Seat, $900 for each additional Seat.

$1200 for Seat and Brick Combo.


Click on the link below to sign up for your seat or brick. After you submit your form, you will be contacted by the Box Office to process payment.

Get Your Brick or Seat Here!




Call us at 770.206.2022 or email at

Byers Theatre Walkway



Byers Theatre Walkway
Long Title
Bricks & Seats Program